There is nothing quite like the smell of sunscreen to bring you right into the mindset of spring, knowing summer is right around the corner :)
A big accomplishment over the last few days was experimenting with the sippy cup! I tried giving her a whole bottle in her sippy cup the first time and that was just too much for her and she wasn't able to handle the cup very well. That led to my current routine of waiting until she has about 2 ounces left in one of her afternoon meals and I will transfer the rest into her sippy cup. It is going to be a process for sure, but she can take her time; I want to enjoy her being my little baby for a long as possible!
Carly had her first birthday party experience this past Sunday for her friend who turned a year old and she was just squealing with delight! She definitely enjoyed all the attention from various fans of hers and discovered how entertaining a water bottle can be (and made sure she let everyone know how much fun she was having!). My little lady loves to squeal with happiness when she finds something new & interesting, and let me tell you...her pitch can make your ears ring! My little princess can squeal all she wants, I love it; I will take squealing with delight over crying any time :) Don't you worry, I know it is hard to see her complete outfit in this photo so I included a few better ones of her party outfit for your viewing pleasure ;)
We couldn't help but think she had the look of a little senorita with her lace, puff sleeves, and multi colored ruffles! Seriously. Adorable.
Both the onesie & skirt are from the Heidi Klum Truly Scrumptious line at Babies R Us.
I love you, I love you, I love you my little senorita!
I was literally kissing her in between every photo I took; I just couldn't handle how cuuuuute she was being with her chubby little cheeks, smiles, holding her little hands...oh my goodness. How do I ever get anything done???
This was my outfit of the day: chambray shirt (JCrew), coral skinnies (Target), gold braided belt (Forever 21) and I wore these nude sandals (Forever 21) that you can't see in the picture. Can I just point out that I got to blow dry my hair that day...YAY. I am still not loving my flat-volume-less hair lately, but I am grateful for the days I get to use my beloved blow dryer <3
My mom came for a visit for a few days at the beginning of the week, and Carly pretty much had a smile on her face 100% of the time :) She loves spending time with her Grandma because she gets loved on even more than normal! My mom helped me get some sewing projects for Carly's room re-do all figured out; I am still very much a beginner when it comes to sewing so she comes to my rescue! (I won't be posting pictures of her room until it is done, but it will be soon I promise!) We also had a few outings here and there, such as Barnes & Noble to check out some baby cookbooks.
Carly desperately wanted my cucumber mint lemonade...(I don't blame her, it is delicious!)
We also met my two Aunts and my Cousin at Ikea, which is always an adventure! It was Carly's first time in Ikea...and quite frankly I think she was overwhelmed! Although, I feel the same way and I have been countless times HaHa!
We ended up getting a new rug for Carly's room, a duvet for our room, and a few other little miscellaneous things.
Pretty soon Ikea proved to be too much for her...
Reason #3,857 I love this man: He will proudly wear his princess around Ikea. You can see where Carly gets her perfect blue eyes :)
Another SUPER EXCITING thing that happened earlier this week was Carly's 6 month photo session! The pictures will be incredible, that's all I am going to tell you. No description will do them justice, so you are all just going to have to wait and be surprised! :)
Tomorrow's (well technically today's...because it is actually 2:30am...ugh!) adventure will be hunting around for the perfect Easter basket goodies for Carly Button's first Easter! I know it's rather last minute, but that's the life of a new mom for ya!