Thursday, May 9, 2013

Nom Nom Nom

I have been wanting to do a baby food post for quite some time, so I have been collecting pictures as I've been making Carly's meals for a few weeks now. I won't say that I am some culinary baby food artist or anything close, but I can brag that I always make tasty things for Carly with no fear of trying new things! Most of what I make her is basic foods in a solo form, but recently I have been mixing two or three things together which is so much fun!
Ever since I reached my sixth month on the journey that is pregnancy, my cooking desires dwindled to little no interest. My poor husband. I know he didn't marry me for my cooking, but he sure was spoiled during the first 10 months of our marriage as I was whipping things up in the kitchen all the time, only to be let down to grilled cheese for lunch and frozen pizzas for dinner....several times a week. So ever since I have gotten a new handle on myself and new addition, I have a new found confidence and energy to start cooking again, still not as much as before though (not even close). So with that energy, I decided I was going to go the homemade food route for Carly!
My food prepper of choice is the ever so famous Baby Bullet. I love how simple it is and how quickly it puree's up whatever I put in. I use everything that it comes with, so it has fit my needs perfectly. With certain foods I need to scrape with the spatula several times to get it all pureed nicely because food will get caught under the blade, but other than that I have been very happy with it. Two of Carly's favorites are avocados and bananas which I love because those are so soft I don't have to use the Bullet if I don't feel like getting it all dirty for just one meal- they mash up with a fork perfectly and I can stir in some formula or water if necessary. At this stage, I don't have to add formula to many things because she can chew up little chunks and take food that is thicker in consistency.
(1 banana + 1 steamed pear = 3 servings)
I have learned that not everything comes out pretty when mixed, which in some cases prevents it's consumption by my little angel.
To steam food, I use one of my favorite kitchen tools that I got as a gift at my bridal shower, the small micro-cooker from Pampered Chef. Seriously love this thing and use it ALL the time *Side note: If you haven't heard of or purchased from Pampered Chef you NEED to go to their Right now. Go! I love everything I have from Pampered Chef and it's all such great quality. I also use my flexible cutting mats whenever making Carly's food (or anything for that matter) because they make clean up so easy.
3 organic zucchinis
1/2 bag of baby carrots (16oz bag)
 Pureed in the Baby Bullet Large Batch Bowl
*I pureed each separately for storage and only mixed them together for Carly's immediate meal
Carly's reaction to baby food making....
(check out those two front teeth!!)
 Filling the freezer trays
I use the Beaba Multiportion Freezer Trays. (I searched for extra Baby Bullet freezer trays and you can't buy them separate, such a bummer!)

All ready for the freezer! I use these chalkboard labels all over the kitchen (please don't mind my kindergarten style handwriting....I wrote this with a wiggly baby in the other arm)
Some of Carly's favorites are: Avocados, bananas, zucchini, & pears.
She doesn't mind: carrots, yellow squash, & apples.
She does not like: peas!
The only food she has had a negative reaction to: sweet potatoes (gave her the runs and given the way she cried when I wiped her butt, I think the sweet potato poo burned a little)
When I do combos, I make each separately then gently mix the two together because otherwise it turns to an awful color and Carly won't even open her mouth.
 Successful Combos:
Avocado + Carrots
Zucchini + Avocado
Apples (green & Fuji) + Bananas
Carrots + Zucchini
Bananas + Pears
Patiently waiting for her lunch
Unsuccessful Combos:
Anything with Peas! I've tried several times to sneak it in...doesn't work. What can I say, the girl knows what she likes! Also, she was never a fan of rice seen in the photo below.
The 'I don't like it' face
In addition to fruits and veggies, I also feed Carly oatmeal in the mornings to help keep her more full.
I have only tried this Earth's Best oatmeal, but so far Carly really likes it. Her favorite is when I mash in 1/4 of a banana! Once peaches are in season, I plan to mix in peaches to change it up!
Carly's new flavors to try this month so far: cantaloupe, cauliflower, green beans, and watermelon! We were discussing foods in my mommy group and they also gave me a few ideas of some other foods to try, but I will keep you all posted on the development of this princess's adventures in food!

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