Saturday, June 8, 2013

Good Morning Sunshine

"Most important meal of the day" 

Let's talk breakfast! But before we start, a little background: I used to hate mornings (still do sometimes)  if they began before 10am...sometimes 11am, but of course that was cut off and forced to change against my will once Carly was born. Before Carly was on a good sleep schedule (and before I was a good mom and noticed her signs of tiredness), she would go to bed as late as midnight sometimes, which enabled me to sleep in until 9:30/10am sometimes! Woo! She also co-slept with me, so she slept a whole lot sounder and would not wake up early unless I physically woke her up. It was amazing...except for the achy back in the morning and occasional kick in the face in the middle of the night (little angel...). I wouldn't go back and change a thing because it worked for us, until it didn't. Once I stopped nursing Carly (mostly due to her disinterest and ever emerging teeth) and when it was just time for me to let go of the newborn status and embrace the infant-soon-to-be-toddler status, I began sleep training. Holy sleep training, Batman! I was not ready for this, but knew it had to happen. After one night of pure craziness followed by the earliest morning I had seen in 10 years (like before Starbucks even opens kind of early!), I knew I needed to suit up for battle. Ingredients for a superb iced coffee, stock pile of makeup removing wipes, MAC Studio Fix{this tired mug} concealer, and recipe for a delicious (worth-the-wake-up) breakfast. So here's what I came up with....
For my morning iced coffee I use:
 4 tsp. Starbucks Iced VIA Caramel (1/2 a packet)
3 oz. Silk Pure Almond Vanilla Almond Milk 
1 oz. International Delight Fat Free Caramel Macchiato creamer
1-2 handfuls of ice 
*Tastes very similar to a Starbucks caramel macchiato, which is my favorite!

For breakfast...
A tasty breakfast full of yummy I actually look forward to it! 
2 slices sourdough bread (I also use the wheat sandwich thins- both from Costco)
2 slices bacon (I use the pre-cooked so all I have to do is microwave it, heck ya!)
1 egg
1 slice Sharp cheddar cheese
A few slices of avocado
Salt & pepper to taste
A version using an English muffin and adding tomato!
Typical morning spread: my iced coffee, my breakfast sandwich, and Carly's oatmeal! I mash up half a banana into her oatmeal and then snack on the other half of banana myself.

It's delicious. Yes, I realize I could make a lower calorie version of this that would taste half as good blah blah, but I don't. This is how I like it and I've been back at my pre-pregnancy weight for a few months now so it must not be too bad ;)
I make this (or a version of this) every single morning. This combined with my iced coffee really helps me wake up and be in a good mood! I am not always guaranteed a good lunch, so I make sure that my breakfast is filling and most importantly, AWESOME. One morning, I was out of eggs...I was forced to eat cereal....lets just say that the rest of my day was ruined and just not as good as normal. 

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