Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dear Mom


Dear Mom,
My Hero and my most avid blog follower: This Mother's Day feels different than any other Mother's Day. Is it my first Mother's Day as a mother myself, but that's not all that feels different. This is the first Mother's Day were I feel like my appreciation for all that you do and did over the years is truer than true. I had no idea how much you loved me until now, because now I know what it feels like to love a daughter of my own. Now, only being a mom for 8 months certainly doesn't give me the experiences or wisdom that you have today, but it does bring a new meaning to: Thank you for all you have done in my life. Thank you for carrying me inside you for 9 long months (which included the hottest months of the year!). Thank you for going through labor for me. Thank you for surviving my week as a newborn. Thank you for rocking me to sleep at night when all I would do is cry and you just wanted to pull your hair out. Thank you for washing a bottle as fast as you possibly could because you forgot to do it earlier and now I was hungry, while I sat screaming because you weren't going fast enough. Thank you for always making sure I had a safe sleep environment. Thank you for taking me to all of my routine doctor appointments to make sure I was healthy, even if you didn't get a chance to shower that day and were exhausted because I kept you up super late the night before while I was teething. Thank you for loving me unconditionally during the phases of childhood I have yet to experience with Carly (that I'm sure are challenging).

You are truly the greatest Mother in the world and I am so blessed to have you. You  live your life showing me what it means to be a wonderful wife and mother, and for that John & Carly are forever grateful I have you. You have shown me what it means to be a spectacular Mother, raising children with a calm and warm heart (even if you were exhausted...I never knew). You have always had such a kind way of delivering advice to me, which makes me very grateful for it. The fact that you let me be the kind of Mother I am meant to be, while only gently giving your opinion when I ask you for it, has helped me develop my confidence as a Mother. You let me be me because you trust that you have taught me what is right and what is wrong, and that is because you have. You really, truly have. I love sharing my daily pleasures and adventures of being a Mom with you because it always sparks your memory to a little story about when I was growing up. Thank you for those stories. They keep me down to Earth and let me know that I am not the only one- and that is priceless. It is your gentle words, "You are doing a wonderful job sweetie" that get me through the toughest of nights. Carly may not know it yet, but she is grateful that the words of her Grandma are there to bring me peace at midnight.
Carly is so lucky to have you as her Grandma and as she gets older I look forward to sharing stories with her about her amazing Grandma. There are very few women in this world who could even come close to comparing to how great you are, and for that I am so blessed to be your daughter.
Happy Mother's Day to you Mom, I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful tribute to your mama!! And I can see how her amazing qualities also make you an amazing mama! xoxo
