Saturday, May 25, 2013

Little Moments

Okay, so I'll be honest....I have been attempting a blog post almost every day this week but I just didn't know what it was going to be about. So I would log on...sit...watching that little blinking cursor...and nothing. What I normally do is look through my pictures of the week on my camera & phone and come up with what I'm going to write about based on the events of the week. Well, this week was a pretty average week, except for a photo session we did but I won't be talking about that until I have the pictures to show you! So, the only photos I had from the week were just little moments that weren't story worthy....which got me thinking. Life is not about big storybook moments. It's not about big weekend plans. It's not about the latest and greatest things we buy. Life is truly about the little moments that wouldn't stand out to anyone else but you, and if you are lucky enough, the loved ones you are sharing them with. I have come to realize that life with a baby is not about the big accomplishments they make because those don't happen on a daily or even weekly basis. Life with a little one is best when those little moments are cherished. So today's post is me merely sharing with you some of my little moments with Carly throughout the past week.
 The beautiful little moment when Carly fell asleep in the middle of the 8pm, woohoo!
The little moment when we took a break during shopping to let Carly kick around in the fountain, and she squealed with delight! (even though it's not captured here)
The precious little moment when she fell asleep on me like she did when she was a newborn...and slept on me for 2 hours. Nope, I didn't put her down. I just sat still, stroking her little head, enjoying the sweet moment where she felt I was the most comfortable place to nap (and woohoo a 2 hour nap!)
The little moments where I watch Carly play. I find them so enjoyable and entertaining. Seeing her little imagination begin to unfold is truly amazing and her expressions are just total cuteness!
The little moments captured during this weeks play date with the ABC girls.
 The moment when she has never looked so big in her stroller :(
 The little smiles I get when she likes something new- this week it was mashed potatoes!
 The little bath time moments where I can see in her eyes just how much she is enjoying this.
Those wrinkly little feet after her baths!
And yes....those little moments where I turn around for a minute and she has pulled half her toys out of the bucket because she must think I look bored and am in need of something to do :)
I love you Carly, and I cherish all the little enjoyable moments you give me.

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