Saturday, April 20, 2013

Teething Madness

We have been growing some teeth around here lately! Carly now has two teeth and with that comes some teething symptoms...yay. She really hasn't been too bad, except for her neediness has tripled which is especially fun for me when I am trying to keep a quiet house so my husband can sleep for for work that night. I'm telling you, if I even step halfway around the corner, she is screaming bloody murder. It's quite exhausting. She also has her hands in her mouth constantly, but her preference is our hands...and let me tell you, those baby teeth are SHARP! To me, it feels exactly like puppy teeth (cute, but painful!).
 At least we have made progress during all the neediness, drooling, chewing, and whining....two beautiful little teeth coming through! See 'um?! Cutest teeth I've ever seen.

 It's rather difficult to please a teething baby at times, so we did the only thing we could think of...we bought her a hot pink Mustang!
JUST KIDDING! We are not crazy, but adorable is that?!


  1. I love your blog! Your baby is adorable! I miss you!

  2. I love your blog! Your baby is adorable! I miss you!
